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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - skim


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 I. verb  (~med; ~ming)  Etymology: Middle English skymmen, skemen, probably from Anglo-French escumer, from escume foam, scum, of Germanic origin; akin to Middle Dutch schum scum — more at scum  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to clear (a liquid) of scum or floating substance ~ boiling syrup  b. to remove (as film or scum) from the surface of a liquid  c. to remove cream from by ~ming  d. to remove the best or most easily obtainable contents from  2. to read, study, or examine superficially and rapidly; especially to glance through (as a book) for the chief ideas or the plot  3. to throw in a gliding path; especially to throw so as to ricochet along the surface of water  4. to cover with or as if with a film, scum, or coat  5. to pass swiftly or lightly over  6.  a. to remove or conceal (as a portion of casino profits) to avoid payment of taxes  b. embezzle ~ming money from employee pension plans  intransitive verb  1.  a. to pass lightly or hastily ; glide or skip along, above, or near a surface  b. to give a cursory glance, consideration, or reading  2. to become coated with a thin layer of film or scum  3. to put on a finishing coat of plaster  4. to embezzle money  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. a thin layer, coating, or film  2. the act of ~ming  3. something ~med; specifically ~ milk  III. adjective  Date: 1794  1. having the cream removed by ~ming  2. made of ~ milk ~ cheese
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См. в других словарях

  v. & n. --v. (skimmed, skimming) 1 tr. a take scum or cream or a floating layer from the surface of (a liquid). b take (cream etc.) from the surface of a liquid. 2 tr. a keep touching lightly or nearly touching (a surface) in passing over. b deal with or treat (a subject) superficially. 3 intr. a (often foll. by over, along) go lightly over a surface, glide along in the air. b (foll. by over) = sense 2b of v. 4 a tr. read superficially, look over cursorily, gather the salient facts contained in. b intr. (usu. foll. by through) read or look over cursorily. 5 tr. US sl. conceal or divert (income) to avoid paying tax. --n. 1 the act or an instance of skimming. 2 a thin covering on a liquid (skim of ice). Phrases and idioms skim the cream off take the best part of. skim (or skimmed) milk milk from which the cream has been skimmed. Etymology: ME, back-form. f. SKIMMER ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) тонкий слой; плёнка 2) пена; накипь снимать пену или накипь 3) дросс; шлак снимать дроссы; спускать [скачивать] шлак 4) снятый верхний слой снимать верхний слой 5) хальмоза, стекольная пена хальмовать, удалять стекольную пену 6) тонкий слой, тонкий штрих (получаемый на клеепромазочной машине) 7) лёгкая фракция отбирать [отгонять] лёгкие фракции ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  скачивать skim into block — отливать в блоки - skim bob - skim cutter - skim slag ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. снятие (пены, накипи) 2. снятое молоко skim cheese —- обезжиренный творог 3. тонкая пленка (на поверхности чего-либо) 4. снимать (пену, накипь; также skim off) to skim milk —- снимать сливки с молока to skim the cream from the milk —- снять сливки с молока to skim soup of its scum —- снимать пену с супа 5. тех. сгребать шлак 6. покрывать тонкой пленкой a pond skimmed (over) with ice —- пруд, затянутый тонким льдом the liquid was skimmed over with a film —- жидкость покрылась пленкой 7. ам. наносить последний слой штукатурки 8. с-х. снимать дернину Id: to skim the cream off —- снимать сливки, брать лучшее 9. легкое скольжение; скольжение по поверхности 10. легко и плавно скользить; нестись, едва касаясь поверхности a skater skims the ice —- конькобежец плавно скользит по льду he seems to skim the ground —- он бежит, словно не касаясь земли the bicycle skimmed along the road —- велосипед несся по дороге to skim the surface —- спорт. скользить по поверхности воды 11. (обыкн. over) проноситься над поверхностью, не касаясь ее to skim the bar —- спорт. переходить планку вплотную (при прыжке) a bird is skimming (over) the sea —- птица летает низко над морем the aeroplane skimmed above the trees —- самолет летел, почти касаясь верхушек деревьев 12. запускать, бросать (придавая горизонтальное направление при полете) he...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  (skims, skimming, skimmed) 1. If you skim something from the surface of a liquid, you remove it. Rough seas today prevented specially equipped ships from skimming oil off the water’s surface... Skim off the fat. VERB: V n off/from n, V n with off 2. If something skims a surface, it moves quickly along just above it. ...seagulls skimming the waves... The little boat was skimming across the sunlit surface of the bay. VERB: V n, V over/across n 3. If you skim a piece of writing, you read through it quickly. He skimmed the pages quickly, then read them again more carefully... I only had time to skim through the script before I flew over here. VERB: V n, V through n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v skimmed, skimming 1 to remove floating fat or solids from the surface of a liquid  (skim sth off/from)  (After simmering the meat and vegetables skim the fat from the surface.) 2 to read something quickly to find the main facts or ideas in it  (She skimmed the sports page to find out who had won the game. | skim through sth)  (Just skim through the second section to save time.) 3 to move along quickly, nearly touching a surface  (seagulls skimming the waves) 4 skim stones/pebbles etc BrE to throw smooth, flat stones into a lake, river etc in a way that makes them jump across the surface  (- compare skip1 (8)) 5 AmE to take money illegally, especially by not saying that you have made profits so that you do not have to pay tax skim sb off phr v to take and keep for yourself the best people, the most money etc  (Professional sport skims off all the best players.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 13c., from O.Fr. escumer "remove scum," from escume "scum," from a Gmc. source (cf. O.H.G. scum "scum"). Hence, skim milk (1596), from which the cream has been skimmed. Meaning "to glance over carelessly" first recorded 1799; that of "to move over lightly and rapidly" is from 1697. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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